Manitoba Tenpin Federation Office
On The Move

The MTF office will be moving, along with Sport Manitoba to a new location effective January 1, 2010.   The new address is between Alexander and Pacific Avenue on Lily behind the Museum of Man & Nature.


“Frame By Frame” Newsletter is published by the Manitoba Tenpin Federation for the purpose of keeping Manitoba bowlers informed of happenings, achievements and special bowling events.

In order to properly accomplish this task, your assistance is required.  If you have an interesting story, article, picture or achievement by a special bowler, volunteer or league that you would like to share, please submit your information to the address below:

Manitoba Tenpin Federation
407 – 145 Pacific Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 2Z6
Fax: 925-5792

The information DEADLINE for the newsletter is 3 weeks prior to the 1st of each distribution month (September, December & March).
If you have any questions, call Mike at 925-5705.