
Pekoe began bowling in 1936 in the Recreation league at Stag Lanes and continued to bowl for 47 years in several other leagues.

– Mercantile Tenpin Bowling Lanes
– Winnipeg City Senior Tenpin Bowling League
– Winnipeg Commercial Tenpin Bowling League
– Como Men’s Senior Tenpin Bowling League
– St. John Cantius Men’s League.

In the Mercantile League from 1947-58 Pekoe always finished in the top six high averages (176-186). His team the Globelites won the High series in 1958 and the League Championship in 1952-53 and again in 1956-57 with Pekoe rolling a four game total of 793.

In the Winnipeg City Seniors league, Pekoe was Team Captain of the Globelite Team which won the League Championship five years in a row (1953-58). He won Team High Single twice (948, 1022), and Team High Series once. Pekoe was winner of the Brunswick Balke Callender Company Award for “Least Errors” in 1955-56 and also win High Single (247), High series (670-209, 214, 247) and was awarded the Cancilla Memorial Trophy in 1951-52 and 1956-57 for league high average (187, 184).

Pekoe bowled in the Commercial league for a few seasons with the Brewery Products team winning the league Championship in 1955-56, High Average twice (183, 188) and High Series (617).

As a member of the Carling Red Caps in the Como League, Pekoe’s team won the League Championship in the 1965-66 and 1969-70 seasons. Pekoe also won high average five times, high single (256) and high series (621).

Pekoe also had several other achievements:

Was the first Manitoban to be given an American Bowling Congress Award of Merit with a 279 score bowled at Gibson Recreation Lanes.

Won the Brunswick Balke Singles Tournament averaging 201 over 16 games

Winnipeg Bowling Association Annual Tournament All-Events Champion

Brunswick Tournament City Singles Champion

“Strike It Rich” Singles Tournament Champion (268 game)

Won the Saratoga New Year’s Day Tenpin Classic Singles Championship with a four game series of 978.

Over the 47 years of participating in tenpin bowling, Pekoe had an overwhelming number of accomplishments, many of which are unfortunately unavailable in the archival records we have at our disposal. He excelled in all sports he participated in and was award the “Community Service Award” by the City of Winnipeg in 1977 for his accomplishments and sportsmanship.