MTF Policy Manual
Note: Ratified September 20, 2023 – 12/26/2023
MTF By-Law Constitution
Note: (revised 2020) CURRENT SEPT 2020
MTF Concussion Protocol
(APPENDIX CK)LINK: PDF VERSION MANITOBA TENPIN FEDERATION has developed the MANITOBA TENPIN FEDERATION Concussion Protocol to help guide the management of athletes who may have a suspected concussion as a result of participation in MANITOBA TENPIN FEDERATION activities. Purpose This protocol covers the recognition, medical diagnosis, and management of BOWLING COMPETITORS who may sustain a…
10 Pin Bowling Coaching Drills
Resources: Please see link: Manitoba Tenpin Bowling Coaching Drills PDF Pendulum Swing Drill Can be done anywhere (on the approach, on the concourse, even at home). Need a bowling ball. Standing balanced with ball in both hands in normal setup. Do not take any steps. Push ball out slightly, and “let it drop” into the swing.…
Bowling Scoresheet
2014 MTF Bowling Scoresheet (.pdf) This page was last updated (june 18/14)