
The Manitoba Tenpin Bowling Coaches Association is an associate member of the Manitoba Tenpin Federation. The Manitoba Tenpin Bowling Coaches Association programs are funded by the MTF and as such, all activities and programs must be approved by the MTF Board of Directors and not in conflict with established MTF policies and funding procedures.

The Manitoba Tenpin Federation will annually determine the amount of block funding to allocate to the Manitoba Tenpin Bowling Coaches Association and review and revise financial assistance available through MTF and other funding organizations, agencies and programs.

Only current members are eligible to apply for assistance, grants, programs, benefits and privileges available through the Corporation and/or MTF. All applications are subject to merit review and their adherence to MTF Policies, Sport Manitoba requirements, specific grants criteria, MPTBA Policies and By-laws.

Report To
As an associate member of the MTF, the MTBCA President will attend MTF Regular Board meetings with voice, but no vote. The MTBCA President will use this opportunity to report in writing to the MTF Board of Directors the activities and proposals of the association. If the MTBCA President is unable to attend a MTF Board of Directors meeting, then the Vice President may assume this responsibility until the President is able to resume this duty. Guiding Principles

Under the guidance of the Manitoba Tenpin Federation, the Manitoba Tenpin Bowling Coaches Association will ensure the continual growth and development of tenpin bowling coaching in Manitoba.

a) The Sport of Tenpin Bowling is a lifetime sport, which contributes to the physical, social, mental and spiritual growth of its participants.

b) Tenpin bowling coaches are important and necessary for the proper training and development of all tenpin bowling athletes.

c) Tenpin bowling coaches perform an integral role in the overall personal development of youth bowlers.

Mission Statement
To promote, encourage and develop tenpin bowling coaches in the province of Manitoba through the provision of quality administrative services, development programs and upgrading opportunities for coaches.

1) To enhance the overall personal growth and development of youth through the coaching of tenpin bowling;

2) To recruit and encourage new coaching membership to ensure the growth, development and continuity of tenpin bowling in Manitoba in conjunction with all tenpin bowling associations;

3) To facilitate the development of our high performance tenpin bowling athletes through the provision of high quality and effective coaching;

4) To provide quality programs for our tenpin athletes through the development of NCCP certified coaches;

5) To provide programs in all regions of Manitoba;

6) To provide services and resources to promote tenpin bowling coaching development and address the needs of all Manitoba Tenpin Bowling Coaches Association members through the provision of effective quality services, programs and upgrading opportunities for grassroots, developmental and high performance coaches;

7) To act as an advocacy group for tenpin bowling coaching concerns and issues;

8) To develop qualified skilled NCCP certified tenpin bowling coaches to serve all the tenpin training programs in Manitoba.

9) To facilitate the development of NCCP Tenpin Bowling Course Conductors at all levels.

10) Promote unity and cooperation among tenpin bowling coaches in the implementation of all athlete and coach training programs.
Key Strategies
1) To assess the future needs and provide support and upgrading opportunities for the MTBCA members;

2) To develop short and long term strategies that will meet the goals assessed within the framework and budgets that already exist;

3) To ensure monitoring, evaluation and revision of these strategies;

4) To regularly evaluate effectiveness of MTBCA programs and services;

5) Produce a stronger core of high calibre athletes by increasing and developing our pool of more qualified NCCP certified coaches at all levels;

6) Through the development and utilization of NCCP certified coaches, improve the quality of training programs at all levels;

7) Provide coaching support to our developing athletes to reach their full performance potential;

8) Provide recommendations to the MTF Board of Directors to improve the quantity, quality and/or effectiveness of tenpin bowling coaching development programs;

9) To develop policies, programs and make decisions in accordance with tenpin bowling’s best interest, specifically, towards the betterment of its growth, promotion and continuity in Manitoba;

10) Provide support to MTBCA coaches in order to facilitate coaching growth and development at all levels.
Method of Business
Meeting regularly as needed to address association business.

An annual evaluation is to be conducted of all the association’s activities upon the completion of the fiscal year and presented along with their recommendations and proposals for the upcoming season at the Manitoba Tenpin Federation’s regular Board of Director’s meeting in May of each year.

Membership Fees
All new members must pay an initial one year affiliation fee of $25.00. The renewal fee for each subsequent year will be $5.00 per coach. The membership fee shall be revised annually and determined at the proceeding Annual Meeting of the Members for the upcoming season.

NCCP Technical/Practical Clinics
The Provincial Coaching Coordinator shall be the sole contact person and organizer of all NCCP clinics. The MTBCA may make recommendations to the Provincial Coaching Coordinator directly or at MTF Board meetings with regard to the number and/or levels of clinics needed or other suggestions for
the program.

Registration Fees
CTF Level I $35.00 per person
CTF Level II $65.00 per person
CTF Level III $90.00 per person

NCCP Technical/Practical Course Conductor Honoraria

CTF Level I $250.00 maximum per clinician
CTF Level II $475.00 maximum per clinician
CTF Level III $600.00 maximum per clinician

-Mileage beyond the boundaries of the city/town is calculated at $0.22 per kilometer;

-Meals (outside home city/town) $30.00/day;

-Meals (within home city/town) lunch $6.00;

-3M NCCP Course conductors are not paid for travel time or for time missed at work;

-Coaching Manitoba will not reimburse organizations for snacks, meals or refreshments for course participants during 3M NCCP Technical and/or practical courses.

* If clinics have over 20-35 participants, two clinicians may be claimed on the Technical Assistance Form (TAF), which allows for full payment of the honoraria to each conductor.

** Course conductors in training will be paid 50% of the clinician rate for assisting in the hosting of a clinic as part of their certification.

Upgrading Assistance (Out of Province)
Coaches are to be informed about NCCP clinics, coaching seminars and any special upgrading opportunities, time permitting. Financial assistance may be provided for out-of-province opportunities as warranted by need and merit.

-Designed to support Provincial Sport Organizations in sending coaches and/or course conductors out of province for development opportunities not available
in Manitoba.

-Maximum grant of $500.00, three (3) times per year, per sport.
-Maximum grant of $300.00, five (5) times per year, per sport.

The MTF Board will only accept requests in writing from coaches who are currently active in coaching tenpin bowling and who are fully certified Level I NCCP coaches or higher provided their application has been approved by the MTBCA. Approved coaches must be willing to present the new information from the seminar to other coaches at a later date, if requested. All decisions reached by the Board will be based on the merit of the clinic/seminar, financial need of the applicant, benefit of upgrading and funds available. All requests must be passed by the MTBCA Board of Directors and then presented to the MTF Board in writing with estimated expenses and revenue breakdown. All applications are subject to final approval by Coaching Manitoba.

Upgrading Opportunity Assistance (In Province)
Financial assistance requests in-province upgrading opportunities will be addressed on a case by case basis. Assistance amounts will be based on need of applicant, merit of the upgrade opportunity and level of funds available. MTF will annually budget $300.00 for this program.

Requests must be submitted in writing to the MTBCA Board of Directors for approval and resubmitted to the MTF Board of Directors for final approval. Written requests should include a breakdown of anticipated expenses, other assistance being received, benefit of upgrading opportunity, location, date, applicants current NCCP certifications, qualifications and coaching activities and the hosting body. Eligible upgrading opportunities may include, but are not limited to:

-Coaching conferences;
-Coaching seminars/workshops;
-NCCP Course Conductor Development Seminars;
-NCCP Level III or higher clinics.

Coaches Assistance Program (All applications must be approved by both the MTBCA & MTF prior to submission)


Sport Manitoba supports Manitoba’s best coaches as they strive to pursue excellence and achieve success at the highest national and international levels in their sport.

b) PURPOSE: To assist in the development of high performance coaches as identified by the Manitoba Tenpin Bowling Coaches Association, Canadian Tenpin Federation- National and the Manitoba Tenpin Federation.


1) Up to $600.00 is available to coaches who have been named to the regular staff of a national team program/camp and will coach the team at a major international, e.g. Olympics, world championship, Pan Am Games, etc.

2) Up to $300.00 is available to coaches named to the regular staff of a National team program/camp and who travel with the team to an international competition held outside Canada. Coaches of “team Sports” who win at a national championship or Canada Games are eligible.


To be eligible coaches must be:

-Canadian citizens or have landed immigrant status and be a resident of Manitoba at least six months prior to application.

-Members of the MTBCA and actively involved in coach and athlete development programs.

-Accountable to the Manitoba Tenpin Federation with regard to funds received and their development program.

-Be certified coaches and striving to attain the highest level of certification available in that sport.

-Aware that the funds must not be used to duplicate assistance already available from other sources, i.e. national sport organization, provincial sport organization, etc.

-Funds are to be used to attend an approved coaching development opportunity, e.g. certification clinic, seminar, national team camp. Eligible expenses include travel, accommodation, meals and registration.


1) The funding is to be used to provide coaching
development opportunities.
2) The program is administered by the Manitoba Tenpin
Federation. The MTF is also responsible for approving each applicant.
3) Assistance will be based on previous year’s activity.


1. Completed applications (Appendix B) must be approved by the Manitoba Tenpin Federation and submitted to Sport Manitoba within six weeks of the sport entry date (July 1st).

2. Coaches will be notified of funding eligibility.

3. Approved funds are held in trust by Sport Manitoba until an invoice has been submitted and approved by Sport Manitoba. Invoices must be received on or before the sport’s competitive year-end (June 30th).

4. All development opportunities must take place within the sport’s competitive year (July 1st – June 30th).

5. A financial post event report must be submitted by the Manitoba Tenpin Federation at the end of the sport year. Receipts and Individual records must be available to Sport Manitoba on request.

Special Initiatives (All Applications must be approved by both MTBCA & MTF prior to submission)
In-Province Seminars and workshops to upgrade our coaches can be hosted by MTBCA and/or MTF if warranted, provided funding is available. Once annually, the MTBCA may request assistance in writing to host upgrading clinics, seminars, workshops, mentorship program or grassroots development programs for coaches, specifying expected revenue, expenses and expected benefits to coach/athlete development. Up to $2,000.00/year may be approved based on the merit of the application and Coaching Manitoba acceptance.

– Designed to support Provincial Sport Organizations (PSO) with hosting coaching initiatives (e.g. seminars, workshops, coach mentorship, development of grassroots program, etc.);

– This grant is not to be used for travel outside of Manitoba;

– This grant is not to be used for Certification opportunities;

– The total of all Special initiative grants must not exceed $2000.00 per year per Provincial Sport Organization (i.e. organizations may apply for multiple grants, provided the total of all approved grants does not exceed $2000.00 per year per Provincial Sport Organization). Note: Each Provincial Sport organization is not guaranteed the full $2,000.00/year.

Application deadlines:

– March 1, for activities taking place from April 1 to September 30;

– September 1, for activities taking place from October 1 to March 31;

– All applications will be reviewed in the week following the deadline date.Notification of grants will be given approximately 7 days following the deadline date;

– Short notice applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis, if budget allows;

– Other sources of revenue (Provincial Sport Organization contribution, sponsorship, registration fees, etc.) must at least match the grant amount being applied for;

– Coaching Manitoba must be recognized as a funding partner on all promotional material;

– Evaluation of proposals will be based on the value it has to be development of coaches in Manitoba within the context of the sport;

– Proposals are to be submitted on the Coaching Manitoba Special Initiative Grant Application Form and must be include the following information for Consideration:

– Estimated number of coaches attending/involved;

-Percentage of coaches in your organization which will be served by this initiative;

– Coaching level focus: grassroots, developmental, high performance, national/international;

– Regions being serviced;

– Description of project;

– Location and date of project;

– Other organizations involved in the project (other PSO’s, agencies, associations, etc.);

– Budget, including other sources of revenue;

– Outline of promotional plan.

– Grants will be paid following the submission of a post-event Coaching Manitoba Invoice form.

Grey Cup Legacy Fund
Assistance and development programs under The Grey Cup Legacy Fund may also be applied for in writing and must be approved by both the Manitoba Tenpin Bowling Coaching Association and Manitoba Tenpin Federation Board of Directors by March of each year. Assistance programs available are:

Master Coach-In-Residence Grants Program Up to three grants of up to $3000.00 each, in support of a “Master Coach” program, may be made to a host organization (university or relevant sport association) wishing to further the practical development of coaches by facilitating extended visits by experts or “Master Coaches”. Application: Application deadline is April 30. Application forms are available from Coaching Manitoba.

Coaching Scholarships Awards Program Up to four coaching scholarships of $1,500.00 each – plus a matching Provincial Sport Organization award of $1,500.00 or more may be granted to developing Manitoba coaches enrolled full-time at one of Manitoba’s post secondary institutions. Application: Application deadline is April 30. Application forms are available from Coaching Manitoba.

Coaching Seminars Program Two grants of up to $4000.00 in support of the conduct of coaching seminars may be made to a PSO host organization. Seminars must occur between July 1 and June 30. See application form for further criteria. Application: Application forms are available from Coaching Manitoba.

Coaches Code of Conduct
This document (See Appendix A) was designed in accordance with Manitoba Tenpin Federation’s & Manitoba Tenpin Bowling Coaches Association’s mandate, goals and objectives:

– to provide professional and ethical guidance for our coaches in the performance of their duties;

– to enhance the quality and effectiveness of our programs;

– to protect the rights, safety and overall growth and development of our athletes.

Therefore, this document must be signed by all coaches involved in any MTF program prior to their placement.

Sport Manitoba External Coaching Organization
The MTBCA may select a coach and prepare a nomination for the Board of Directors of the Sport Manitoba External Coaching Organization. All nominations must be submitted to the MTF Board of Directors for final approval. If approved, MTF will forward the nominations to Sport Manitoba for possible election to the External Coaching Organization Board of Directors.

Sport Legacy Trust
The Manitoba Tenpin Bowling Coaches Association may also apply to Manitoba Tenpin Federation for assistance once annually (November) for new one-time project funding by compiling and preparing an application under the Sport Legacy Trust program. The MTBCA is solely responsible for fulfilling all obligations stipulated in the Sport legacy Trust Application and Agreement.

MTF administrates six forms of recognition to acknowledge the outstanding achievement and involvement of our Tenpin Bowling coaches.

1) – MTF Volunteer of the Year Award
The MTBCA may prepare and submit one nomination Annually (February 15th) to the MTF Board of Directors for consideration. The chosen MTF Volunteer of the Year will also be submitted to Sport Manitoba for their Volunteer of the Year program.

2) – Coach of the Year Award
The MTBCA may prepare and submit nominations for the 3M Coaching Canada Awards and/or the 3M Manitoba Coaching Excellence Awards in accordance with the rules and guidelines stipulated in the nomination criteria.

3) – Annual Awards (Order of Excellence)
These awards are determined by the coaches’ participation in ABC/WIBC/YABA sanctioned competitions. The award applications are administered by the MTF office and are presented at the Annual Awards Banquet.

4) – MTF Newsletter
The MTBCA may submit articles, updates, achievements, notices, etc. to the MTF office by the specified deadlines for inclusion in the MTF “Frame By Frame” newsletter.

5 ) – Bowling Hall of Fame of Manitoba
The MTBCA may submit nominations to the Bowling Hall of Fame of Manitoba Nominations Committee for coaches that meet the selection criteria under the “Builder” or “Certificate of Appreciation” categories.

6) – Manitoba Sport Hall of Fame of Manitoba
The MTBCA may submit coach nominations to the MTF Board of Directors for consideration. If the MTF Board of Directors approves the nomination, it will then be forwarded to the MSHFM for possible induction.

Coaching Resources
All MTBCA members will have access to the MTF resource library and technical equipment. The resource library contains several manual, books and videos to enhance a coaches understanding of athlete development and the ever changing technical aspects of tenpin bowling. The Manitoba Tenpin Federation will make available a list of manuals, resource books, videos and technical equipment to all MTBCA members.

The Manitoba Tenpin Bowling Coaches Association may request in writing that Manitoba Tenpin Federation purchase additional coaching resources and/or equipment. The written request must include price, name, contact number and address of company and expected benefit to coach/athlete development. Items may be purchased if the Manitoba Tenpin Federation Board of Directors deems that the cost/benefit/need is warranted and the necessary funds are available.

Identification/Selection Process
MTF will advise the MTBCA of coaching positions available in MTF programs. The MPTBA will notify their qualified members to submit applications, if interested to the Manitoba Tenpin Federation High Performance Development Committee c/o of the MTF Provincial office. Other associations may also solicit coaches through the MTBCA for their training and Provincial Team Programs.

Bingos (All applications must be approved by both the MTBCA & MTF)

-Developed to support PSO’s in the recruitment and development of coaches in Manitoba;

– Bingo’s will be offered to PSO’s who, at the discretion of Coaching Manitoba have a well developed and active Coaching Association or Coaching Committee whose focus is to recruit, develop and advocate on behalf of the Coaches within their sport;

-Coaching Manitoba will share the bingo allocations it receives in the following manner:

– MTBCA will provide all of the volunteers (12) and work the assigned bingo(s);

– MTBCA will receive 45% of the earnings from the bingo they worked (minus any cash shortages);

– MTF will retain 5% of the earnings from each bingo;

– Coaching Manitoba will retain 50% of the earnings from each bingo.

– Bingo’s will be allocated by Coaching Manitoba on a rotational basis, with a minimum of 3 weeks notice of assigned date.

Sponsorship (All applications must be approved by the MTBCA)
Investors Group Community Coaching Conferences
Financial assistance ranging from $600.00 to $1,200.00 to communities/ organizations interested in hosting a Community Coaching Conference.

Applications: Must be submitted to the Coaching Association of Canada three months before the date of the conference. For further information, contact Lucie LeBel at CAC (613) 235-5000, or view brochure at Coaching Manitoba, 200 Main Street.


This document was designed in accordance with our mandate goals and objectives to:

– provide professional and ethical guidance for our coaches in the performance of their duties;

– enhance the quality and effectiveness of our programs;

– protect the rights, safety and overall growth and development of our

Therefore, this document must be signed by all coaches involved in any MTF program prior to their assignment.

I. Respect for Participants
Acting with respect for participants means that coaches

i. do not make some participants more or less worthy as persons than others on the basis of gender, race, place of origin, athletic potential, colour, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, socioeconomic status, marital status, age or any other conditions;

ii. have a responsibility to respect and promote the rights of all participants. This is accomplished by establishing and following procedures for confidentiality (right to privacy); informed participation and share decision-making (right to self-determination – athletes’ rights); and fair and reasonable treatment (right to procedural fairness). Coaches have a special responsibility to respect and promote the rights of participants who are in vulnerable or dependent positions and less able to protect their own rights;

iii. interact with others in a manner that enables all participants in sport to maintain their dignity; and

iv. build mutual support among fellow coaches, officials, athletes and their family members.


In being faithful to the principle of respect for participants, coaches should adhere to the following ethical standards:

1.1 Treat all participants in sport with respect at all times.

1.2 Provide feedback to athletes and other participants in a caring manner that is sensitive to their needs, e.g. focus criticism on the performance rather than on the athlete.

1.3 Respect athletes as autonomous individuals and refrain from intervening inappropriately in personal affairs that are outside the generally accepted jurisdiction of a coach.

1.4 Communicate and cooperate with family members, involving them in appropriate decisions pertaining to an athlete’s development.

1.5 Encourage participants to respect one another and to expect respect for their worth as individuals.

II. Responsible Coaching
Responsible coaching means that coaches

i. act in the best interest of the athlete’s development as a whole person;

ii. recognize the power inherent in the position of coach;

iii. are aware of their personal values and how these affect their practice as coaches;

iv. acknowledge the limitations of their discipline; and

v. accept the responsibility to work with other coaches and professionals in sport.

In being faithful to the principle of responsible coaching, coaches should adhere to the following ethical standards:

2.1 Coach in a way that benefits athletes, removes harm and acts consistently for the good of the athlete, keeping in mind that the same training, skills and powers that coaches use to produce benefits for athletes are also capable of producing harm.

2.2 Refrain from working in unsafe or inappropriate situations that significantly compromise the quality of coaching services and the health and safety of athletes.

2.3 Ensure that activities are suitable for the age, experience, ability and physical and psychological conditions of athletes.

2.4 Make athletes aware of their responsibilities for participating safely in sport.


2.5 Abstain from all forms of harassment, including sexual harassment. Sexual harassment includes either or both of the following:

i. the use of power or authority in an attempt to coerce another person to engage in or tolerate sexual activity. Such uses include explicit or implicit threats of reprisals for noncompliance or promises of reward for compliance.

ii. engaging in deliberate or repeated sexually oriented comments, anecdotes, gestures or touching, if such behaviors

a. are offensive and unwelcome;
b. create an offensive, hostile or intimidating working
environment; or
c. can be expected to be harmful to the recipient.

III. Integrity in Relationships
In being faithful to the principle of integrity in relationships, coaches should adhere to the following ethical standards:

3.1 Explore mutual expectation with athletes in an honest and open manner, giving due consideration to the age and experience of individuals.

3.2 Act with an enthusiastic and genuine appreciation for sport.

3.3 Know and abide by sport’s rules, regulations and standards.

IV. Honouring Sport
Honoring sport means that coaches

i. act on and promote clearly articulated values related to coaching and sport;

ii. encourage and model honorable intentions and actions in their coaching practice; and

iii. show high regard for and promote the value of sport in Canadian society and around the world.

In being faithful to the principle of honoring sport, coaches should adhere to the following ethical standards.

4.1 Advocate and model the fundamentally positive aspects of sport, e.g. sporting and human excellence, fair play, honest competition and effort, self-discipline, integrity, personal growth and development, respect for the body, challenge and achievement, the joy of movement, and other positive aspects identified by participants.

4.2 Actively seek ways to reduce potentially negative aspects of sport, e.g winning at all costs, playing to the letter of the rules at the expense and other negative aspects identified by participants.

4.3 Accept both the letter and the spirit of the rules that define and govern sport.

4.4 Accept the role of officials in ensuring the competitions are conducted fairly and according to established rules.

4.5 Project an image of health, cleanliness and functional efficiency in

4.6 Personal habits and appearance, e.g. refrain from smoking while coaching, refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages when working with athletes.

* To be pro-active and protect our athletes and integrity of the Manitoba Tenpin Federation and its programs. Manitoba Tenpin Federation reserves the right to:

– request at anytime, a police background check from any coach in our programs;

– dismiss any coach for behavior or performance MTF believes to be inconsistent with our mission statement and/or detrimental to the program and/or growth and/or safety of our athlete(s) or in violation of, but not limited to, the above stated Code of Conduct standards.

– dismiss or refuse application of any coach, if MTF believes the coaches involvement may compromise the integrity of the program and/or safety of its athletes, coaches and/or members.

I have read, understand and consent to a police background check being undertaken and the Law Enforcement Agency is hereby authorized to communicate the results of the police background check directly to the Manitoba Tenpin Federation upon request and I agree to abide by the guidelines and standards stated in this document.




The grants listed below are not regulated by the MTBCA or MTF.

Coaching Scholarships
The Petro-Canada Olympic Torch Scholarship Fund
Applicants must plan to be enrolled at a Canadian post-secondary institution;

Application: On or before May 1st. Applications are available from the Canadian Olympic Association.


Women in Coaching

Professional Development Grants
The purpose of this grant is to assist women who are interested in a career in coaching by providing an opportunity to upgrade their education. A grant allows the coach to participate in coaching seminars or conferences, attend major competitions, or consult with a recognized sport expert. A grant may also be used in combination with support from other cost-sharing partners to help coaches broaden the scope of their learning options.

To be eligible, the coach must be certified at Level III of the 3M NCCP and be a CTF Nationally approved Level IV/V candidate.

Application: Information and application available from Coaching Association of Canada (
“Best Practices” – Recognizing Women in Coaching Initiatives
Coaching Association of Canada has established a grant to recognize and promote women in coaching initiatives developed by Canadian sport organizations or groups. The submissions will be reviewed and the top three Best Practices will receive a grant of $1,500.00 to continue the operation of the project.

Application: Contact Cyndie Flett at CAC at (613) 235-5000 ext. 2386.

CAAWS/Nike Canada Grant-A-Week Program
Grants of $100.00-$200.00 will be awarded for two years to female athletes, coaches, officials, and sport and recreation organizations to help make their sporting dreams come true.

Application: Information and application available at the Girls@Play website.

Go to for these and other awards & scholarships:

-Stacey Levitt Women and Sport Memorial Scholarship;
-Bobbie Steen legacy Fund;
-Breakthrough Awards;
-Jennifer Higgins Memorial Trust Fund