
A T T E N T I O N               C O A C H E S

NCCP – Intro To Competition Workshop

Please be advised that this season the
Manitoba Tenpin Federation is hosting
2 – 3 NCCP  Intro To Competition Coaching Workshops.

The clinics will be held
December/10 through February/11.

  • Winnipeg                         December 11 – 12, 2010
  • Winnipeg                        TBA (January – February) *

    * To be held if warranted by demand

The clinics will run from 8:30am to 5:00pm Saturday & Sunday.
Upon completion of this course, the attendees will be
accredited as “Trained” at this level.

Course fee is $70.00

Payable to Manitoba Tenpin Federation

Space is very limited and will be accepted on a first come basis.

To register contact Mike at 925-5705 /