
1977-Carmen began Actively Bowling.


Brandon Women’s Bowling Association


Served on Board as:

-President (2 Terms-4yrs);

-Vice-President (2 Terms -4yrs);


-Director (13 years);

-Manitoba Bowling Council liaison (3 years);

-Tournament Secretary-League of Nations (ongoing).

Carmen’s passion has always been the Annual League of Nations Tournament, a 2 day tournament that showcases bowlers of different nationalities competing for pride.  She

has been personally involved in this event as “Tournament Secretary” for the past 21 years.  Carmen helped create the Ladies Division for this tournament 7 years ago, as the women in Brandon area also wanted an opportunity to exhibit their national pride.  Carmen still serves as the Tournament Secretary for this competition.

Manitoba Provincial Women’s Bowling Association

-Director (4 years)

  • · Legislative Committee
  • · W.I.B.C. Convention delegate



Manitoba Bowling Council

-Founding member

Sokol Mixed League

-Secretary (20 years)

Tuesday Night Ladies League

-President (2 years)

-Vice-President (2 years)



Attended Annual W.I.B.C. Tournaments:

1984– Niagara Falls, New York

1988-Reno, Nevada

1989-Bismarck, North Dakota

1990-Tampa/Brandon, Florida

1991-Cedar Rapids, Iowa

1993-Baton Rouge, Louisiana

1996-Buffalo, New York

1997-Reno, Nevada

Attended A.B.C./W.I.B.C. Mixed Tournament:


1992-Reno, Nevada

1987 & 1990Brandon City Singles Scratch Champion

High Game – 278 High Series – 649

2000 -Inducted into the W.I.B.C./B.W.B.A. Hall of Fame