
1972 – 73
-Founding member of the Brandon Women’s Bowling Association.
-First Secretary for the B.W.B.A. which she held for 11 years.
-Bowler Recruitment coordinator for Neepawa and Dauphin areas.
-Committee member that established Brandon’s “200” Club Tournament, Annual Golf Tournament for Brandon bowlers and the Association’s Annual Tournament.
-Was a contributing member of every B.W.B.A. committee while on the board.
-Assisted in the coordination and implementation of all B.W.B.A. Tournaments during her term of the board.

Secretary, Thursday Night Ladies League.

Completed L.A.O.T.C. in Bismark, N.D.

1975 – 76
Founding member and director of the M.P.W.B.A.

Completed Level “A” coaching course. Coached many of Brandon’s women bowlers.

1976 – 77
P resident, Thursday Night Ladies League.

1977 – 78
Appointed 1st Vice President of M.P.W.B.A.

1980 – 82
President, Tuesday Night Scratch League.

1985 – 86
Director, Brandon Women’s Bowling Association.

1986 – 87
1st Vice President, Brandon Women’s Bowling Association.

1987 – 88
Secretary, Tuesday Night Ladies League.

1987 – 92
President, Brandon Women’s Bowling Association.

1990 – 92
Member of the Manitoba Provincial Women’s Bowling Association.